What is a Baseline Property Condition Assessment (PCA)?
The Property Condition Assessment (PCA), sometimes referred to as a Property Condition Report (PCR), is designed to assess the physical condition of a property by conducting a limited walk-through survey in compliance with ASTM E2018-15 Standards Guide for Property Condition Assessments: Baseline Property Condition Assessment Process.
What is a Baseline PCA Plus?
Out-of-scope items not listed within ASTM E2018-15 Standards Guide for Property Condition Assessments: Baseline Property Condition Assessment Process.
Why Choose Preemptive Strike?
We provide ASTM-E2018 trained professionals to conduct every baseline assessment.
Why is it Important
A PCA report is intended for use by lenders for property refinancing. Most properties refinance approximately every 7 years. Baseline PCA reports meet the basic standards set by ASTM and are typically produced to follow a financial model approach to property assessments.
PCA are commonly requested for Due Diligence, Pre Investment, Pre Purchase, Refinance, etc.