What are the Free Training Courses?

We have spent time acquiring the knowledge and now we look to pass it own to you. We understand that the beer trained we are the beer and safer we can perform. If you or your team may come in contact with asbestos, lead-based paint, mold, and more. then let us help. Realtors, construction workers, municipal workers, project managers or whomever your team consists of, give us a call today.We would like to customize a class to fit your needs. How about a lunch-n-learn next week?

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Why Choose Preemptive Strike?

We take care to know each of the industry gold standards in the areas for which we provide service. Our consultants and inspectors are individually trained to preemptively provide a strong defense against weak, consultation, work, assessments, and summary reporting. Our work product provides the assurity of a thourgh, thoughtful, professional, and accurate assessments. The strength of our reliably strong assessments set each of our clients up for great success.

Services Provided

Custom Classes

  • For Realtors
  • General Contractors
  • and more

Class Course Topics

  • Asbestos
  • Lead-Based Paint
  • Mold
  • IAQ
  • Radon
  • Chinese Drywall (as requested)